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USA - II.1 > Season 32

Season 32

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From: Ragman
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271841.12 in reply to 271841.11
Date: 09/02/2015 08:25:04
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I apologize for not being as active as I would like to be. Real life has a habit of getting in the way....

From: Rambo

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271841.15 in reply to 271841.8
Date: 09/03/2015 14:37:28
New York Jests
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In an effort to spice this up, I'm going to try to do a quick scouting report on one player from each team as I play them.

The Barbaric Yawps (23780), which I’m told are a type of primitive feral dog rumored to have stalked the plains of Mongolia, took on the Jests last Tuesday night in a relative thriller. After crushing defeats of 25 and 15 points, the Jests narrowed the gap to 10 points. At this rate we are comfortable projecting that we will beat the Yawps sometime before we colonize Mars, possibly even this decade.

As mentioned above, if I can muster up the effort to continue this going forward, I'll try to do previews, but in this case we’ll dwell on the past and talk a little bit about one player who has been a particular nuisance, Manuel Prado del Rey (23833166). In the three aforementioned games (85576250), (82290185), (78998102), MPR has led all scorers with 77 points or 25.7 ppg. You’d think we’d put a body on him by now but alas. The best we could muster was holding him to a pedestrian 17 points in season 3.

Manuel Prado del Rey was acquired by the Yawps in season 25 for an impressive $973k. Since then he has been a spectacularly average player, scoring 12.4, 14.0, 13.0, 13.6, 14.5, 12.8 and 9.1 points per game each season. Despite this, he still remains a thorn in the Jests side.

But there is more to MPR than just basketball and his inability to grow an even hairline. His last name, Prado del Rey makes his Spanish heritage clear, and actually translates to Meadow of the King. It is also the name of a city in the Cadiz province of Spain where his great, great, great, great grandfather ruled over the local populace. Since then, and through many generations of keeping it in the family, with brothers marrying sisters, cousins, and even the occasional aunt, the family’s reign started to crumble, forcing Manuel to set out and seek his fortune elsewhere, leading him into the welcome arms of the Yawps.

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271841.19 in reply to 271841.15
Date: 09/03/2015 22:27:15
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That summary of MPR was hilarious - thanks Rambo and the Jests!

While I agree that his stats do look "spectacularly average" for someone who demanded 973K to acquire, without this incestuous prince I'd have no chance against the premier scorers in this league. A PF playing out of position, his versatility and length - just like in the bedroom with various relatives - have been a great asset. He's the only player close to a lock-down defender Yawps fans have had a chance to cheer for.

I do want to remind you, however, that you did hold me to 65 points in a rugged victory back in Season 29 (75703214). Honestly forgot about a few of those players, and I'm glad they're gone.

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271841.20 in reply to 271841.19
Date: 09/04/2015 00:07:15
New York Jests
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That was back when Rex Perez was around and he was having his way with the opposition and their wives.

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271841.22 in reply to 271841.21
Date: 09/04/2015 14:17:54
New York Jests
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Its been an eternity since I was in the NBBA but I would add that it is very helpful if you have trainees that are on the cusp of breaking out, i.e. going from like $40k to $80k. Very difficult to train in the NBBA if you have 18-20 year olds.
