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Utopia - IV.36 > Season 44

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Season 44

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From: Reece

This Post:
297198.11 in reply to 297198.10
Date: 1/27/2019 10:42:31 PM
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We didn't even show up in game two. No idea what happened. Great defensive strategy, players all double digits in rating but just didn't show up. I needed that first game but he had great defensive strategy against my players in that one. Wrong offense selected. It's as if we were too exhausted to play but we weren't. Just an off night. We were killed by the better overall team.

From: Reece

This Post:
297198.13 in reply to 297198.12
Date: 1/29/2019 11:07:46 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I have some that depreciated substantially throughout the season. We have 2 to 3 games like this per season where it's like what happened. My top star fell off huge throughout the year. And my backcourt could not stop yours. If I would have paid better attention then the few games where they played normal would have been TIE and players would have sat in scrimmages. I didn't pay much attention and by the time I realized, it was too late. I'm moving up but by the time I come back down in two seasons I'll probably have a whole new team.