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Australia - II.3 > Season 25

Season 25

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247495.11 in reply to 247495.10
Date: 09/17/2013 05:29:39
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hahahah whatever motherflipper... I was being impartial.... mostly.

You...impartial? Haha Looking forward to having some fun this season. Will be training, banking and preparing.

What are your plans, mate?

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247495.12 in reply to 247495.11
Date: 09/17/2013 05:44:29
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training, banking, winning, preparing.

at least 2 of those.

should be a very competitive and fun season. I see far too many teams who could be top 2. makes me uncomfortable.

This Post:
247495.13 in reply to 247495.11
Date: 09/17/2013 07:44:59
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What are your plans, mate?

Have a look at Mr Sterling Archers recent acquisitions.

I think he has made his intentions failry obvious

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247495.14 in reply to 247495.13
Date: 09/17/2013 08:02:38
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Oi. Outta here. We dont take kindly to ur sort in here no more yar snobby abbl promotee you.

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247495.15 in reply to 247495.13
Date: 09/17/2013 08:16:13
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What are your plans, mate?

Have a look at Mr Sterling Archers recent acquisitions.

I think he has made his intentions failry obvious

Yeah, pretty clear; I haven't started scouting teams yet. That's three nice players he picked up...and at decent prices too.

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247495.16 in reply to 247495.11
Date: 09/17/2013 08:51:52
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Hey, nice to be here. I'll be retooling my team this season, my merchandise was pathetic last year so I'll be looking to add some Aussie talent.

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247495.17 in reply to 247495.16
Date: 09/17/2013 08:59:21
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Tis a good idea, so many Aussie teams are looking to buy more and more Aussie players... prices will probably keep going up. :(

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247495.18 in reply to 247495.17
Date: 09/17/2013 09:45:57
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League II.3 Promotee/Demotee Review

Slam !
Johnno is into II.3 for the first time, after a nice little wanky tanky in the ABBL last season (not as nice as Team Akuma's mind you) - Brings back Gab Wall into the league, and some aging PG from Estonia named Peeter Haav, which, if any indication of his spelling of his name, is probably a sped. a $200k salary sped at that..... Other than these two, Slam !'s roster consists of what appears to be members of the Wiggles... the new ones... you know? the shit ones.....obviousl has yet to buy up - which by the way do hold off for one week please...., ive got you in round 2. Didnt pick up a draft pick from his tanking-ways, which, is part of the point of tanking, so may think about doing it again? maybe? please? maybe?

Fashion Victims
Trend Setter and his incredibly good looking mob are back for a second run at Div II.3. Ironically, if you sort his roster by Salary, it also is sorted by their attractiveness (what can i say, i like a bit of chocolate) - Could be a bit of a smokey as we remember him tanking last time he was in this league - Has a solid starting 5, but his bench is about as attractive as my sack after sleeping on it wrong, so wait n see what this dude does, particularly early if he wants cup dosh.

The Mighty Oaks
Ahhhhh an excited Mr Green joins our beloved league, and this should keep the forums nice and active.... there is a lot of shit dribbling space left over now with Sid's departure and Mr Greeny here is sure to help fill it. Obviously bought a bunch of players from the old peoples home in order to promote out of Div III because they are now all for sale - more gereatrics in this fire sale than in that movie Cocoon. anyways not good for me because I dont have him early in the draw, so ill be facing all his new aquisitions. awesome.

Alderley Albatrosses
WTF? Isnt this guy running to be leader of the opposition Labor party? oh thats Anthony Albanese.. sorry.... you can see where i got mixed up......Anyways freebird has only been around since Season 22, which is like, AFTER my daughter was born, which makes him more noob than her - in saying that she can count to 10 AND knows to tell me when he fart is going to smell, so still, some potential there. The Arena will be an issue here for freebird, and his lineup is... well... its just not going to cut it right now for Div II. He did draft a nice 7'2 Superstar and he is on the market, so maybe with a bit of cash, could patch and squirm and worm his way into contention for 7th. Otherwise its curtains for you young lad!

Lakes Entrance Stingrays
Never heard of this dude and yet he has more flags and trophy's than you can poke a stick at. Looks like he picked up some nice talent in the draft as well whilst also promoting, so nice work there. the bad news - Your lineup is poo. Look its great n all that you won Div III with that, but $35k SG's and PF"s.. i just... it makes me want to cry. The laughter you will hear from your opponents as they beat you into a pulp will be louder than that of Indonesia's PM when he saw Tony Abbot's Asylum seaker strategies for them to assist with. So get with the selly selly and make with the buyeee buyee.......... the bid button....... on the transfer market page? you know? the one... oh you will work it out.

And of course to all the rest of you losers who didnt promote last season including me. Welcome back welcome back welcome back. and can i just say this.. Thank... fk... no more Sid. LOL

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247495.19 in reply to 247495.18
Date: 09/17/2013 10:23:13
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Yes I am a noob so go easy on me. But don't pull the curtains on me yet, my bigs have legendary ID so inside tactics will be futile!

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247495.20 in reply to 247495.19
Date: 09/17/2013 18:19:33
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my bigs have legendary ID so inside tactics will be futile!

Considering in your tie breaker game you got Tremendous Perimeter Defence, I'm going to call BS and say that's one of the worst bluffs I've ever seen. ;)

Good luck tho mate.

Good write up Coach, I wrote mine whilst on my phone and in a rush so please excuse me if a 2nd write up seemed necessary.

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247495.21 in reply to 247495.20
Date: 09/17/2013 19:49:21
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Ah you got me, was just seeing if anyone would drink my POISOOOOON :)
I might sell one of my guards early on if anyone wants some legendary OD for a reasonable salary. Don't buy Mr. Green's guy, 19 OD is rubbish!
