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BB Scotland > National Team Speeches

National Team Speeches (thread closed)

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From: Sertor
This Post:
322047.2 in reply to 322047.1
Date: 11/30/2023 03:02:45
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Sertor II
Dear Scottish BB Players,

I stand before you today not just as a basketball enthusiast but as someone who shares a deep connection with Scotland. As a Catalan, I understand the importance of culture, identity, and the pride that comes with representing your nation on the court.

I am filled with excitement and ambition at the prospect of leading the Scottish national team. My Catalan roots have instilled in me a passion for community, resilience, and hard work, values I believe align seamlessly with the spirit of Scotland.

I am not just here to coach; I am here to immerse myself in your culture, to learn from it, and to integrate its essence into our game. Together, we can create a team that not only excels on the court but also reflects the rich tapestry of Scotland's heritage.

I am dedicated to investing the time and effort required to elevate our team to new heights. Let us forge a path to success, not just as players and coach but as a united representation of the strength that lies in our diversity.

Vote for me, and let's embark on this journey together. A journey that goes beyond victories on the court, embracing the essence of Scotland's proud history and the shared passion we bring to the game.

Thank you for considering me as your coach. I am eager to contribute to the legacy of Scottish basketball.



From: TRUF

This Post:
322047.3 in reply to 322047.2
Date: 11/30/2023 15:14:22
Kirov Woodcutters
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Kirov Bricklayers
Dear Sertor.
Your speech is very intriguing, it seems you are very interested in trying to lead the team. I am ready to give you such an opportunity to try yourself in this and withdraw your candidacy.
In return, I only ask you to share your thoughts on the forum, personally I am very interested in your opinion about the game, what happened and what did not. I warn you right away that after a series of defeats, morale drops. The role of a small country coach in bb is not easy, you need to accept it.