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Defense VS Offense

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Date: 07/07/2016 01:28:52
Willows Wannabes
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Second Team:
United Park BC
When training young players to carry your team forward is it better to focus on there defense to compete or offense. I would think it is defense because they can stop the other team scoring, its pointless being able to score if you cant stop the other team scoring. To go with this question would you rather have 5 great defenders and 5 alright scorers or 5 great scores and 5 alright scores playing?

Also does anyone have suggestions on if its better to have 1 or 2 stars of 5 really good players with close to even ability?

From: scp_06

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280535.3 in reply to 280535.1
Date: 07/09/2016 09:34:41
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Personaly, i prefer a balanced team, in that way everyone has the same role, and if one has a bad game or gets injured you will not get a big impact on him missing a few games.

In therms of training, i am now developing SG and PG, i managed to buy them with similar stats, better at defending and passing with great secundáries, my strategie is to have good inside players for now, and play the ball inside. In this way my big men will score a lot of points and my outside guys dry the other team outside game. But this is my idea of the game, everyone has their own idea i believe