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Draft Questiion

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From: capali

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278428.2 in reply to 278428.1
Date: 04/18/2016 08:28:27
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Star rating is about player's skills/salary. --- (I deleted this sentence, because it was wrong information)

5 balls = $3,700 and higher
4 balls = $2,800 - $3,700
3 balls = $2,300 - $2,800
2 balls = $1,900 - $2,300
1 ball = $1,900 and lower
(But after they changed the salary formula, and the 19 yo.s can now have strong(8) skills; this salary table is outdated.)

5 balls = 9 - 11 (MVP - All-time Great)
4 balls = 7 - 8 (Perennial Allstar - Superstar)
3 balls = 5- 6 (Star - Allstar)
2 balls = 3 - 4 (6th Man - Starter)
1 ball = 1 - 2 (Announcer - Role Player)

Last edited by capali at 04/18/2016 11:05:07

From: capali

This Post:
278428.3 in reply to 278428.1
Date: 04/18/2016 08:37:39
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Oh sorry, I misread the question. Grade rating gives us better estimation about their salary.

For example:
A+ = 4500+
A = 4200 - 4500
A- = 3900- 4200
B+ = 3600-3900
B = 3300-3600
B- = 2900-3300

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278428.5 in reply to 278428.3
Date: 04/19/2016 16:24:55
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are you sure about this or are you just stating what you think ? Because it doesn't seem right !! I mean the part about grade rating !!

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278428.6 in reply to 278428.5
Date: 04/19/2016 16:27:17
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It was right before, but after the changes (I was inactive for 1.5 years) it is wrong. They are less now, I don't know the exact numbers.

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278428.7 in reply to 278428.6
Date: 04/19/2016 16:35:24
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Well as you said it yourself, the salaries are now different and less. But are you sure about the grade rating part ? I mean are you sure that it gives a closer estimate of the draftee's salary ? Because a 1k difference I think would not mean that much to have a whole category of its own !

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278428.9 in reply to 278428.7
Date: 04/19/2016 16:47:15
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I just gave an example, and the whole x-ball category numbers, I copy-pasted from Guide to BuzzerBeater (144856.13). And the grade rating part categorizes balls. A+ > A > A- for 5 balls.