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Help for new team!

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Date: 08/10/2015 11:20:34
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Here is my situation:

I used to play BB WAYYYYY back in the beginning (I joined Season 2) in the U.S. I've now moved to Vietnam and have some free time on my hands, so I joined the Vietnam League (so I can watch my games at a reasonable time, I chose to play in Vietnam).

I've got a DI team (which means DI Salary cap) but a starter arena (which means low income).

Here is my strategy:

1) Get trainees. I got 4 (plus one original player) with mediocre+ in all their big man stats and I'll be training them in IS/ID/RB/SB two position training for the next couple seasons, hoping to get some capital. I got a level 4 trainer for them

2) Increase arena size. I maxed out my ticket prices, even if I lose every game (which I doubt, because some teams in my league are...trash) I'll get maximum income. I also dumped most of my promotion budget ($1,000,000) into increasing my arena size which increases my sellout income from $120k to $180k

3) Buy some old vets. I'm WAYYYYYYY below the salary floor (currently 241k for my league) so I don't need to be overly concerned with salary efficency until I start hitting the floor. I figure, I'm paying for it, I might as well get the 60k/week shooting guard.

I'm looking to get two stellar (read 30k plus) guards and then play outside while I wait for my trainees to catch up.

Here is my question....what else should I be doing?

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272802.2 in reply to 272802.1
Date: 08/10/2015 13:14:30
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New teams don't pay the salary floor for their first season so you may want to hold off on those purchases.

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272802.3 in reply to 272802.1
Date: 08/11/2015 05:56:07
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Get 6 trainees and train 1-on-1 for a season, sell most of them for a huge profit - build the arena and don't think about the floor at all. You will be cannonfodder for the next year anyway.

You need to increase the revenue as fast as possible. As soon as the money comes in, plan accordingly.

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular