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supporter or not debate

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From: E.B.W.

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271744.5 in reply to 271744.3
Date: 07/31/2015 15:58:28
Overall Posts Rated:
Pretty much touched on everything I was going to say, so I'll just +1 you and leave now. Good job!

Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs
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271744.6 in reply to 271744.5
Date: 07/31/2015 17:54:17
Overall Posts Rated:
Well, I'll buy supporter. If there was a donate button i'll donate some of my hard earn money every now and again.

Heading on the right path so far. Are you?
This Post:
271744.7 in reply to 271744.1
Date: 08/01/2015 20:49:05
The LA Lions
Overall Posts Rated:

If there are advantages to the supporter package

I think if the game has given you a lot of enjoyment, buying a supporter package for yourself or someone else is the best way to give a little something back.

I will say to this end
What KIND of advantages???

Supporter offers utility and QoL improvements. Opens up RolePlaying aspects via Press Releases and cosmetic changes. Actual advantages and P2W would turn a lot of people off. Positive word-of-mouth is probably the best free advertising option.

What is the purpose of restricting us from some features vs. others from the BBs perspective?

Probably server load (technical) and incentivizing a sale (the ability to make Press Releases is a huge factor in my decision to pick up a package, some other feature may be on someone else's "must have" list.)

What is most PROFITABLE for BB?????

POSSibly breaking the package up into A la carte options which when purchased separately would be greater than the sum of the current package full price. Might be a really bad idea too though wth do I know?

Last edited by Harold Miner at 08/01/2015 20:50:15