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Date: 06/18/2015 14:55:53
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I am in desperate need of a big, I have 2 very solid guards and another natural scoring guard that's pretty good, unfortunately I have no big men to give rebounding or inside defense support, in this season's draft I need a big of at least MVP potential, in my 3 season's I have had no success in drafts, how would I find a player of MVP potential in the draft?

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271063.2 in reply to 271063.1
Date: 06/18/2015 15:18:16
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I am in desperate need of a big, I have 2 very solid guards and another natural scoring guard that's pretty good, unfortunately I have no big men to give rebounding or inside defense support, in this season's draft I need a big of at least MVP potential, in my 3 season's I have had no success in drafts, how would I find a player of MVP potential in the draft?

The only sure fire way I know of to find an MVP in the draft is to end up with the second pick, and you can be sure that you'll not only find the best player in the draft, but he'll be gone with the first pick.

Otherwise, really just scouting. If you just want to see MVP in the potential and don't care if the player's any good, just scout and interview everyone and sort by the highest potential. Some of those will be atrocious-skilled 19 year olds, but they'll have potential.

Anyway, the better way of doing it is trying to find players with good starting skills (and if you're looking for bigs, ideally tall guys, especially if they're listed as guards), interview them and hope you get lucky.