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Game Shape - WTH

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From: Brutus
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Date: 05/15/2015 12:42:51
Brutus Buckeye
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Second Team:
The Ironmen
What's going on with game shape?

All my core players have gotten a good amount of minutes the first two weeks, in the range of 55-80 each. Yet after two weeks they are all still sitting at respectable.

Meanwhile, my scrubs who just fill in as needed have been running under 48 minutes each and are all at strong GS.

That's ridiculous, I understand there's some randomness in it but come on.....

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270505.2 in reply to 270505.1
Date: 05/15/2015 14:13:18
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yah its hella annoying. i purposely sat out one of my starters to maintain his 65 minutes last week and he stayed at average game shape.

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270505.3 in reply to 270505.1
Date: 05/15/2015 14:25:57
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my game shape updates have been decent, surprised 1 player stayed at strong and didnt get proficient but other than that 1 incident everything seemed okay.

Usually 60 mins or getting 48 minutes exact is the sweet spot for a +2 or a general rise.

well you'd know this.

so i dunno.

carry on.

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270505.4 in reply to 270505.3
Date: 05/15/2015 15:52:26
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Stamina Kids

From: Big BO$$

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270505.5 in reply to 270505.1
Date: 05/15/2015 18:18:02
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If I remember correctly, they said that something was done to game shape couple seasons ago so, that players with decent stamina would get advantage over guys with low stamina. I may be wrong, though.

Whatever the case, I agree that there's something weird with GPS, particularly in the beginning of the seasons; my starter played 77 minutes and 63 minutes on last two weeks, but his game shape still lags at respectable despite of his respectable stamina.

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270505.6 in reply to 270505.5
Date: 05/15/2015 20:27:08
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Idk if stamina is the problem. The player I have that played 65 min last and stayed at average GS has the highest stmina on my team.

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270505.7 in reply to 270505.1
Date: 05/16/2015 06:29:26
Woodbridge Wreckers
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Maybe he has high sublevel of gameshape and it's not so bad. Look at his dmi.

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270505.8 in reply to 270505.6
Date: 05/16/2015 06:41:02
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Stamina is most likely the problem, but the BBs may have fiddled with GS too, as I've seen several odd updates in the last couple of week including multiple double drops or multiple double pops in the same team. If they did change something however, I'd imagine they'd announce it, especially because it makes GS training much better.

Last edited by Lemonshine at 05/16/2015 06:42:15

This Post:
270505.10 in reply to 270505.9
Date: 05/16/2015 07:21:11
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yeah it was odd to see teams with nearly ALL players at 7 after the first GS update.

this team here with awful minute management had 14 players dropping from 7 to 5 in a week....(277177) then only 1 drop the following week.

Last edited by Lemonshine at 05/16/2015 07:21:48