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Home Country Auction (thread closed)

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Date: 3/17/2015 1:33:30 PM
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Hey all,

I was happily bidding on a Spanish player when another GM involved in the Auction sent me a private message;

Other bidder
3/17/2015 1:15:15 PM
Dude, cant you respect that if he is a spanish player he should go to a spanish team?

What's everyone's opinion on this?



Last edited by GM-Perpete at 3/17/2015 2:44:28 PM

This Post:
268347.2 in reply to 268347.1
Date: 3/17/2015 1:35:58 PM
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Seriously, everybody's up for grabs.

This Post:
268347.5 in reply to 268347.4
Date: 3/17/2015 4:09:14 PM
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thanks for the replies,

I wouldn't have gone much higher but it did put some doubt in my mind, so more wanted to be sure for next guess his psychology worked!


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268347.7 in reply to 268347.1
Date: 3/18/2015 9:52:10 AM
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My opinion is that I would name the GM on forums asking for a clarification and then report him privately for both Spam and suspicious behaviour, even though you could end up like Moomins. There is no rule against naming a User on forums as far as I know (or Perpete should have banned himself hundreds of times already), as this is not a direct cheating accusation, but a clarification request, nor a discussion about GM behaviour, since he surely didn't send the message in his GM capacity, but in a private capacity. Perpete, since you edited the OP, please correct me if any of the above is wrong, but please explain why.

Seriously, sending an ingame message because you don't want someone to bid before an auction is over should be a bannable offense and in the examples of Spam listed in the Game Manual. In fact that GM has affected the way the bidding was conducted for his own personal reasons (facilitate a "trade" between Spanish managers or an exact money transfer maybe?). I would leave it to his colleagues to not do anything (as usual) about his suspicious and unacceptable behaviour, which is even more unacceptable because his position as GM leads people to:
• trust in him and believe he's telling you the rules of the game
• be intimidated

No matter how much Perpete swears by it, cases very far from irreproachable behaviour by GMs keep coming up. On the other hand, I think that if I were to send an email every time a DIV or DV Spanish or Italian team overbid on good English prospects I was also interested in, I would have been banned 50 times by now, probably by the very same GM who sent the message.

Last edited by Lemonshine at 3/18/2015 10:24:45 AM

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268347.9 in reply to 268347.8
Date: 3/18/2015 11:10:52 AM
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Ok I think that's the dude in my Utopia league who's going to have to win his tiebreaker then and I apologise for unfounded accusations (in this case).

Same reasoning applies except for the extra "gravity" part.

Last edited by Lemonshine at 3/18/2015 11:13:17 AM

This Post:
268347.10 in reply to 268347.9
Date: 3/18/2015 2:16:03 PM
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I know I have in the past (well before becoming a GM) sent messages to owners of teams bidding on guys with salaries that they almost certainly couldn't afford asking if they were aware how much the salary was. Usually other than that I don't think there's much of a point of sending a message to ask someone not to bid on a player, though.