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Training OD

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From: SN_13
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Date: 11/9/2014 12:58:18 AM
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Are there any training methods besides pressure that are known to train OD?

From: lape99

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264879.2 in reply to 264879.1
Date: 11/9/2014 3:37:13 AM
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Well, ball handling trains OD, but it is really slow... So if you want to train OD use pressure.

From: E.B.W.

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264879.3 in reply to 264879.1
Date: 11/13/2014 10:38:07 PM
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As lape99 said above Pressure is about the only effective way to train OD if you want consistent pops, but also keep in mind that there are now may ways of pressure training if you do not want to train your player out of position.

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