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From: Natron
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Date: 02/12/2013 10:21:34
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I have a pretty good trainer but over the past several weeks it has popped one guy but more than likely it has popped no one at all. I am training just PG/SG. I will have 5 players that will have played 48 minutes. Did the game change? Did my trainer get old and needs to be replaced or something?

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235864.3 in reply to 235864.1
Date: 02/12/2013 11:42:40
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Also, how old are the players that you are trying to train? Training speed slows as players age.

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235864.5 in reply to 235864.1
Date: 02/12/2013 14:10:53
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A couple of other things are also at play:

1- Random cross training pops. About 10 percent of training goes to a random skill. You can be getting unlucky and having these added to low remaindered skills since all skills are graded to the hundredth degree... so your players are getting better, you just can't see it... yet, and these might be in skills that have little effect on DMI even.

2- Also, elastic effect. The higher a skill goes beyond several others (there are debates on hich skills effect which) I personally am trying to keep them all as close as possible until I am ready to finish my builds off. But if you say have OD trained several points higher than everything else, then Pressure training will be less effective but your players will still be improving as well, just slower than they were before when you were training Pressure. This of course can be exploited by training lower skills as well (a common one is training up PA after HN/DR is higher... I am not an expert on this subject but have seen this work firsthand on my 7' trainee.)

Age, height and all that other jazz of course plays in as well.

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235864.6 in reply to 235864.1
Date: 02/12/2013 19:51:02
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You might try downloading the Training Simulator (229484.1) to see whether you are on track or capped or something.

Join the official USA offsite forum for helper tools, camaraderie and advice! ( – Builder of the Training Simulator: (229484.1) – Former host of the Golden Clam Invitational (
From: Natron
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235864.7 in reply to 235864.6
Date: 02/13/2013 09:23:27
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Well I am training guys from 19 to 21 and then one guy that is 24. I am training OD. Two of the younger guys have a higher rating in JS and JR but their OD is not that good. But it has been weird, for weeks and weeks I would get 2 -3 guys regularly popping. But in the past 3 weeks I have not gotten anything.