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BB India > U21 National Team Debate Thread

U21 National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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180866.2 in reply to 180866.1
Date: 04/18/2011 23:43:07
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Thanks Charles. I am ready to debate.

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180866.3 in reply to 180866.2
Date: 04/19/2011 03:37:08
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It's not really a debate, but I would like to ask you some questions to get to know you better (if you don't mind of course). How many seasons have you been playing BuzzerBeater?

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180866.4 in reply to 180866.3
Date: 04/19/2011 05:06:47
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You can ask as many as you like. I started in division IV in season 10 near the beginning of the season. I won every game in my first season and promoted to division III. In season 11 I also did really well and won division III in my first season (I only know of two othr teams that have done this ever but there could be more) and promoted to division II.

Then season 12 I made a HUGE mistake and spent all my money $2,500,000 on one massive superstar player who would make my team great. It is a long story but he spent the whole season injured and I was relegated.

Season 13 I was back in division III, I went 22-0 and was undefeated the whole season.

Season 14 I was back in division II and a lot more careful. This time I not only survived but I made the playoffs.

Season 15 I had a horrible start (0-4) with injuries and foul outs, but I recovered and ended up top of the ladder at the end of the season but ran into a team with a $750,000 roster - by far the biggest of any in all of Australia division II and even bigger than 15/16 ABBL teams, and I lost in a very close semi-final. With 23 seconds to go and down by two I fumbled the ball out of bounds.

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180866.5 in reply to 180866.4
Date: 04/19/2011 06:01:30
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well i am very much impressed by your speech and your performance in BB...i just want to ask you 1 will you create the interest of players in BB???? coz as a possible U21 manager u need some good players to help you out....

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180866.6 in reply to 180866.5
Date: 04/19/2011 10:33:28
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Thanks champ,

well there are two parts to this answer.

First I will try to create international interest in Indian players by saving lots that would go bot otherwise, having exciting messages on those players that their owners can see offering the sweet, sweet offer of having a national team player and making personal contact with those coaches keeping up to date with their player's progress and encouraging their efforts.

Second I am hoping to make Indian coaches feel like they have the chance to be part of something exciting. I will promote good players that are to be available and help to educate the newer coacher and encourage the older veterans to help our team. It is in their self interest anyway, you get a great benefit by having a NT player in both money and satisfaction.

I hope that is a sufficient answer.


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180866.7 in reply to 180866.6
Date: 04/19/2011 20:45:03
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What do you think of former coach? what do you not like what he did? how will you change this bad things?

This is much work you have to do, will you have some ppl with you? who?

What are your goals? in competition? about players?

What do you feel about the new tactics? (isolation, inside and outside)

you are the only candidate now, but you will not win unleash you answer this questions :)

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180866.8 in reply to 180866.7
Date: 04/20/2011 01:06:41
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I think the former coach did an outstanding job and I both like and admire him. However he and I have slightly different aims which are products of the teams we have inherited. He had some fantastic players who at age 22 are now playing on the senior team, whoever wins next season has no-one like them. So he took the team far winning great games and improving its ranking.

I instead will be losing games and lowering it's ranking. Sounds bad right? But it is part of the plan to make the team great, not in season 16 and maybe not even in season 17 but for the long term and also for the benefit of the senior team.

I hope to have the brilliant former coach Hof as one of may assistants, I also hope a certain Samuari will be one of my assistants, I also believe that I will be working closely with #23 and once his senior term is up he may be an assistant also. I would love to also have perhaps two more locals to make a total of six.

As for the new tactics the defensive ones are rubbish, I have looked at them many times in league games (I am the commisioner of a private league now involving 36 teams including most of the best in Australia) and I have to study those games to determine the MVPs. The defences give bad results. However the new isolation offences seem to work well for teams that have one or two dominant players so I am not against using them at all.

I may not win even if I answer all the questions. But I hope so. Thank you for your question and I am glad it wasn't a Dorothy Dix question.

From: Johnson

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180866.9 in reply to 180866.8
Date: 04/20/2011 02:51:53
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If elected, how involved will you be with the Australian U21 team?

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180866.10 in reply to 180866.9
Date: 04/20/2011 04:16:45
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Excellent question ;)

From: yodabig

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180866.11 in reply to 180866.9
Date: 04/20/2011 07:11:45
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It is an excellent question. If I fail to be elected I will probably be one of the two main assistants of Iwen (who is a virtual lock to win and who I have already discussed this with) and so I will continue my general scouting job, keep on mentoring the ten or so players I have been looking after as well as probably becomming one of the named people on the official Aussie message that will appear on the prospects.

If I am elected to the Indian position I will give all of that up. You cannot serve two masters and while I don't think there would be huge conflicts of interest (no matter what I did to help either side it wouldn't change any result if India and Australia were to play) I would need to spend all my National Team focus time on the Indian team not the Aussie team. Naturally I would continue to train my Aussie players, although I may replace one with an Indian one if I can find one with enough potential, but that would be the limit.

So my involvement with the Australian team would be limited to, "Go Aussie" and the occasional forum/in game chat.