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USA - IV.27 > Playoff Predictions

Playoff Predictions

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From: Ben
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Date: 05/12/2010 23:31:09
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Well, it's that time again. Any predictions on the playoffs? Who will be moving onto 3? Power rankings?

From: Tru6Playa

To: Ben
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143795.2 in reply to 143795.1
Date: 05/12/2010 23:41:01
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I honestly think the champion will be either myself or uthinkuknow. But i wouldn't be surprised if Sackings won it either. It's wierd, uthinkuknow can beat me, but sackings can beat uthinkuknow, but can't beat me.

My Rankings:

1. NLC (not by much)
2. Uthinkuknow
3. Sackings
4. Swindon Mallets
5. The Anteaters
6. BBB
7. Mad nyce

From: Ben

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143795.3 in reply to 143795.2
Date: 05/15/2010 21:53:03
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For the most part, i agree with your rankings, however, i made one change because i have beaten both the mallets and anteaters playing TIE. I can't put myself above the kings because i have yet to beat them this season, but i do think i am capable of it. I have lost to you playing Tie, but don't know much about uthink. I guess we'll see on Tuesday. No dis respect intended to any teams on this list...i think we all have a chance to take it this year....some, obviously, more than others.

1. NLC (not by much)
2. Uthinkuknow
3. Sackings
4. BBB
5. Swindon Mallets
6.The Hoosiers
7. The Anteaters
8. Mad nyce

From: Framer

To: Ben
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143795.4 in reply to 143795.3
Date: 05/15/2010 22:44:30
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Yeah I would agree with your rankings...It is strange there are a few teams here I never seem to beat NLC and The Anteaters allways seem to kick my ass.. Uthinkuknow and I allways seem to have very close games that so far I have squeaked them out..And I never count out BBB because I know you play tie all year so the second half (the most important part) is allways strong for you... Going into the playoffs you must have some pretty high enthusiasm...Since the playoffs are one game and out I can see any of the top 8 teams moving on...I would rank em
1. NLC
2. Sac Kings ( I had to put myself here LOL )
3. Uthinkuknow
4. BBB
5.The Anteaters
6. Swindon Mallets
7. The Hoosiers
8. Waco

This Post:
143795.5 in reply to 143795.4
Date: 05/16/2010 11:42:48
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1. NLC
2. Uthinkuknow
3. Sac Kings
4. BBB
5.The Anteaters
6. The Hoosiers
7. Waco Wizards
8.Swindon Mallets

I just think that Swindon is not experienced enough and keeps on destroying his game shape when other teams are a lot deeper. I do think that Swindon does have a lot of potential though over the next couple of seasons do to his youth in this game. NLC may have the best starting 5 in this league and seems to play everyone extremely tough. SK seems to have the best knowledge of tactics and that helps him immensely. For some reason he always seem to beat me however I have never played him in my own building. I think my starting 5 may not be as strong as NLC but my bench may be a little bit better. Also gameshape may sneeak up on NLC since he was so successful in the cut. I think it is a 3 team race between the top 3 since SK is going to have home court advantage. The game between NLC and me is going to decide who gets the HC and I think it is a big one.

From: Ben

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143795.6 in reply to 143795.5
Date: 05/18/2010 22:04:50
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Great game tonight. Came down to me fouling and you nailing those free throws. Not that i don't like my side of the league...but i'd love to have another shot at you on my court, but who knows...there is an outside chance we might meet again. Again, great game!

From: saman1812

To: Ben
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143795.7 in reply to 143795.6
Date: 05/19/2010 21:48:30
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Yup good game. hopefully we do get to see each other again this season.

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143795.8 in reply to 143795.7
Date: 05/20/2010 10:52:07
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From: Ben

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143795.9 in reply to 143795.8
Date: 05/20/2010 19:06:46
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