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USA - IV.63 > End of Season Checklist

End of Season Checklist

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Date: 05/21/2016 14:16:28
Johns Creek Wave
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Second Team:
Holly Springs Haggis
Prospects identified and draft submitted - check.

One really good prospect out there, but I have no hope of getting him. Draft not as deep as last season.

Staff fired - check.

Training really disappointed this year and I'm not sure any of the other guys are worth the money.

Roster overhauled - unfinished.

3 guys I'll fire at the start of the season. The rest depends on who I get in the draft and how much salaries rise. Planning on going with a smaller roster and more definite starter/bench rather than rotating. Managing minutes is a PITA.

From: jeldon

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278828.2 in reply to 278828.1
Date: 05/26/2016 16:53:59
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You'll get a nice influx of cash with the sale of Olvera.

I'd put some of it into your arena if I were you. That's biggest determining factor in maintaining longer term sucess Unfortunately I figured that out too late, and so I could only put together a D3 team that oscillated between 5th and 7th place. I finally gave up on trying to build that way, invested in the arena, re-tooled my staff (like you) and went the value route.

I'm holding cash for later, personally. I'd like to see if this market will ever cool down for players aged 24-32. So for the time being I'm training young bigs, and trying to pick off value players in that 24-32 age range. Boston was one of them. So is Caniglia. My core guys are my young bigs: Gela, Rosen being the primary trainees, and Valenzeula being another core guy.

From: Gaillimh

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278828.3 in reply to 278828.2
Date: 05/26/2016 18:11:11
Johns Creek Wave
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Second Team:
Holly Springs Haggis
That's the basic plan. I play 3 other manager games and only one where building a stadium isn't a key. Problem with this one is figuring out how big to build it. Only time I ever sell it out is when I play my rival, a playoff or cup game. And 2 of the 3 don't really matter.

Anyway, I was really lucky with this draft.

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278828.4 in reply to 278828.3
Date: 05/29/2016 14:15:53
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Problem with this one is figuring out how big to build it. Only time I ever sell it out is when I play my rival, a playoff or cup game. And 2 of the 3 don't really matter.

I remember reading a previous discussion that said there was a problem with capacity and that it caps off at 20,000 (or was it 25,000?). I don't know if that still the case or if it's been fixed. I personally just make sure I'm at under 95% capacity. If you undersell, that's fine, you're not paying maintenance for unused seats. However, if you fill out all seats, that means you lost potential money.

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278828.5 in reply to 278828.4
Date: 06/11/2016 18:24:40
Arizona Desert Storm
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Problem with this one is figuring out how big to build it. Only time I ever sell it out is when I play my rival, a playoff or cup game. And 2 of the 3 don't really matter.

I remember reading a previous discussion that said there was a problem with capacity and that it caps off at 20,000 (or was it 25,000?). I don't know if that still the case or if it's been fixed. I personally just make sure I'm at under 95% capacity. If you undersell, that's fine, you're not paying maintenance for unused seats. However, if you fill out all seats, that means you lost potential money.

And here i thought Gregg Popovich knew everything :-)

The above is really not all that accurate. First of all, there are not maintenance costs...I know you didn't mean that literally, but even figuratively there are none. The only this can be close to accurate is if your arena prices are too low..then indeed, you'll sell out your arena, but leave money on the table because you could have had higher prices.

There is also a balance in the way you price your tickets....If you make once section more affordable, it may take away potential buyers from another section. In other the theory goes so to speak: Bleacher seats are the cheap seats...There are X amount of fans (the division you are in, success on the court, size of your arena all come into account here), that can only afford bleacher seats....So if you have your bleachers at $10....There are some fans that simply can't pay more than that..they will only always buy Bleachers, and if you raise the amount to $11, you lose that fan as far as attendance is concerned. However, there are others that can't afford Lower Tier, but they can afford more than the $10 you are if you increase, they may continue to buy tickets, especially if you are winning games. However, there is another section of Bleacher fans, that can afford to pay more, but choose to buy bleacher seats...however, if the Bleacher prices are increased enough, and/or Lower Tier Prices are lowed enough to get close enough to justify buying one of those seats instead of a Bleacher ticket.

It's a balance...and nobody knows the exact formula 100%...but a lot of veterans have got it figured out pretty good. There are indeed max capacity (Hard Caps) in well as max attendance revenue in each section, based on the division you are in. In other words, you could have 20,000 bleacher sets in DV, set your price to the least expensive price, and win all of your games, and you will still never close to filling all of those seats.

Personally, you should always aim for 100% attendance, but have your prices set so that you are maximizing attendance revenue..which usually means in a section or two you will fall just a tad short of 100%.

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278828.6 in reply to 278828.5
Date: 06/11/2016 18:53:29
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I read your post twice but I'm not sure which specific part of my post is in disagreement with yours.

To simplify my points, 1) there's a cap (based on my reading of other people in the main forums) but I don't know the actual number, and 2) I think you misunderstand, I don't believe seats have maintenance. It's okay to slightly overbuild and have 1 or 2 or 10 empty seats. I'd rather have that than have the demand for 10,001 seats and only have 10,000 available.

Personally, you should always aim for 100% attendance, but have your prices set so that you are maximizing attendance revenue..which usually means in a section or two you will fall just a tad short of 100%.

Here's where I disagree. I think you should build your arena slightly just above demand. Once you hit the cap, start tweaking the prices higher. Stop tweaking when you reached the max revenue you mentioned.

Also, Pop doesn't know everything and makes stupid mistakes sometimes too. We all know he should've had Tim Duncan in to rebound for that last minute Game 6 2014 Finals. Also, fuck Ray Allen.

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278828.7 in reply to 278828.6
Date: 06/20/2016 12:02:39
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Run and Gun Offensive Strategy Outside Isolation
Man to Man Defensive Strategy Man to Man

Game-Day Prep
Balanced Focus --
Normal Pace --

He got a Bonus for picking balanced against Outside isolation?? By definition that is not balanced, but I digress.....

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278828.8 in reply to 278828.7
Date: 06/20/2016 13:01:38
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I don't know the reasoning but the manual has both iso offense as balanced. My guess would be it's not that the shots would be from the outside but that the person who takes the shot is the best outside player. Like Steph Curry would shoot most of the time but it doesn't mean he's taking the 3. He could iso from the outside but eventually take it to the rim.

Isolation offenses: The team will try to find their best offensive player and clear out an area for him to create his own shot. There are two types of isolation offenses (both are considered as having a balanced focus by the GDP):

Inside Isolation: Your team finds their best inside scorer. Normal Pace.

Outside Isolation: Your team finds their best outside scorer. Normal Pace.

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278828.9 in reply to 278828.1
Date: 06/21/2016 21:42:46
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35-14 fourth quarter. What a choke-job. Ouch.

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278828.10 in reply to 278828.9
Date: 06/22/2016 15:45:13
Johns Creek Wave
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Holly Springs Haggis
I've had games like that against opponents who were better than me. Start out good and slowly decline throughout the game. You scored as many in the 1st quarter as you did in the entire 2nd half.

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278828.11 in reply to 278828.10
Date: 07/06/2016 18:34:51
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Who's your favorite player on your team?

Mine's James Dodge ( I bought him for $11k when he was 18 and now he's like mini Draymond Green averaging 10/10/5/1/1. He just had a a triple double (30/11/10) and can play and defend all 5 positions with a decent rating. Inefficient shooting though. I'm gonna train him for this season then he'll be starting PF/C for good.

Last edited by Gregg Popovich at 07/06/2016 18:35:38