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Suggestions > FT suggestion

FT suggestion (thread closed)

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From: SammyO
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Date: 06/10/2014 09:26:36
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I have not been on the forum in a while- so forgive me if this belongs in another thread.

I am sure this has been mentioned in the past, but one major flaw in the game is the free throw shooting. No one professionally shoots 20% from the line. All guards should be at minimum 60% shooters, and the worst forwrds/centers should be no lower than 40%. Its just not realistic to have a great scorer with a great jump shot shooting below 50% from the line.

I think this really needs to be addressed. Atrocious ft shooting should still get you 40%, no one is below that in real life.

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259396.2 in reply to 259396.1
Date: 06/10/2014 09:39:12
Overall Posts Rated:
I have not been on the forum in a while- so forgive me if this belongs in another thread.

I am sure this has been mentioned in the past, but one major flaw in the game is the free throw shooting. No one professionally shoots 20% from the line. All guards should be at minimum 60% shooters, and the worst forwrds/centers should be no lower than 40%. Its just not realistic to have a great scorer with a great jump shot shooting below 50% from the line.

I think this really needs to be addressed. Atrocious ft shooting should still get you 40%, no one is below that in real life.

It's also unrealistic that players shooting that poorly on free throws never practice free throws for seasons and seasons on end while their coaches complain about their shooting percentage from the line. It's a game. And this has been discussed ad nauseum, ad regurgitatum and nauseum again.