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Daggers look to climb back up the chain

Its been a while since the Daggers have had anything to cheer for. Rebuilding and finding pieces to fit in the rebuild has taken it's toll on the fanbase. The city even talked of letting the team move to another city, rather than spend any tax money building a new gym. The Owner and the GM assured the city that they would work hard to build a competitive base again. We are just starting to see the fruits of their labor. There is still plenty of season left but the Daggers are looking to push for the title in D4 this year, while still training their semi-young core of players. This may be the first time that the team has truly had some quality players at the starting positions as well as the backups. There is certainly a lot for the fans to look forward to and the future looks very bright. Only time will tell, but as Tom Cruise said in Top Gun, "Its looking good so far".

By: Coach Law
482377.2 as reply to 482377.1
04/01/2019 00:11:29
Yes it is ! Keep looking upward my friend.

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