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低调的霸气 來了

10/18/2014  0 replies    

Press Announcements



We have reviewed your case and decided partially to accept your appeal by returning you the amount of $500 000 from the money that our GMs deducted from you.
You are an antique user, so we hope you will understand the reasons of this. As you know, market is not easy to regulate or to control. There are too many factors that can have influence on a transfer or bid (and we will leave cheating cases apart during all our speech). Sometimes, any of these factors can make a transfer end over a normal market price, and then the GM staff has to decide if the final amount won by a user is fair or not. As stated before, it's very difficult to find the real balance between fairness and unfairness in these cases, so we always tried that the GM staff acts only when it's clearly needed. Keeping in mind all the facts, the GM staff decided a 1 000 000$ reduction from the sale of your player and we can understand the reasons that made them calculate that amount of money.
It's important that you get a couple of things as well. Trying to sell above market rates is not allowed. We really understand that our users want the maximal profit for their transfers and we also are aware that luck is a factor when buying and selling but sometimes a interference has to take place in order to keep a fairness in the game. This also meaning that in case someone overbids on your players its your responsibility to report your team in order to be in the safe side.
Any online EGM will return you the $500 000.

Best Regards
The BB Staff

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