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Training regime for guards

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From: Phyr

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271777.6 in reply to 271777.1
Date: 08/03/2015 10:43:50
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I know that 1v1F is what most people use to put IS on guards but there is a drawback. 1v1F puts an equal amount of HA and DR on shorter players in addition to a moderate amount of IS. 1v1G puts more DR than HA. If you plan on having a high DR guy or if limiting HA for salary reasons is important for you training IS-C or JS-F might be the better option for putting IS on a guard.

IS speeds up the training of ID due to the elastic effect so you want to train ID after IS. Keep in mind that OD training will also train ID as a secondary skills so make sure you plan it in the training simulator so you don't over train out of position. ID also trains IS as a secondary skill so make sure you plan for that as well.

SB does not have an impact on the elastic impact so you can be really flexible when you train it. It does give secondary pops of ID and RB so just make sure you plan for it.

I personally like to get the out-of-position training done as earlier as possible but guards especially with a bit of JS train very nicely out of position in outside/patient offense.