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Offensive Flow

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From: Scoresby

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268898.2 in reply to 268898.1
Date: 04/19/2015 11:46:53
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My understanding is patient or other slow-paced offenses have fewer turnovers and higher shooting pcts. with good offensive flow. And that it's less important with fast-paced offense, but the trade-off is poorer shooting.

This seems to have been the case in my 3 seasons.

From: Mr. Glass

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268898.5 in reply to 268898.4
Date: 04/22/2015 03:22:01
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push the ball is passing sometimes too. it just like La lakers showtimes basketball of the 80's, but it has alot of turnovers.. If you have the guards then it fun to watch. I play it all the time.

It a few things you can do to remedy the To.. once you figure that out it works very well at any level of play