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USA - IV.35 > 100 win League Iv club

100 win League Iv club

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297725.6 in reply to 297725.5
Date: 01/30/2019 20:39:25
Greensboro Generals
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Its one of the way for early wins in b3 is to fill a top tier staff and have a standout team.

First off the latter is essential, the former at best is supplemental. And for those who are B3 worthy I have a feeling that they have the financial freedom to do this about any way they like. You on the other hand it sounds like have spent small accusation fees for over priced high end staff that you didn't need to start with, then after you had gone on one of your vanishing acts you came back to discover yourself seven figures in the hole. Perhaps you should have worried more about finding a way to D3 as opposed to worrying about b3. So when will the BB financial office be coming over to repo your team like the 1974 pinto that it is?

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 01/30/2019 20:40:25

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297725.7 in reply to 297725.6
Date: 01/30/2019 20:56:04
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I said they were b3 ready filled. I filled this staff before my vanishing act and knew I was going bankrupt. I am well prepared to lose every game this season just to build a team.

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297725.8 in reply to 297725.7
Date: 01/30/2019 21:55:54
Greensboro Generals
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I said they were b3 ready filled. I filled this staff before my vanishing act and knew I was going bankrupt. I am well prepared to lose every game this season just to build a team.

From the game Manuel. ...

If you go into debt, you will be charged a 5% penalty each week until you are positive again at the time of a economic update. If your account is below -$500,000 at the time of a weekly economic update, you are given two weeks to bring your account back above -$500,000. Failure to reach that mark will result in all of your players being put on the transfer list automatically with a starting price of $0. If, after your players are sold, you are still not above -$500,000, you will be fired as the manager at the next economic update. Debt and bankruptcy are the first items calculated in the economic update each week. "Available cash after bids" does not count as money for the purposes of computing bankruptcy or the 5% interest penalty on a negative balance. Players must sell prior to the weekly economic update for these credits to pull you out of bankruptcy.

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297725.9 in reply to 297725.8
Date: 01/30/2019 21:57:26
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Should be bringing in Arena payments I should be able to get my team back firing just means money lost. What firing all of your players that's the real bankruptcy.

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297725.10 in reply to 297725.8
Date: 01/30/2019 22:05:32
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I did the math when I was going to fill my staff. Every team goes through this so I assume that you don't have a complete staff yet if you still arguing that I am leaving the team after this. My arena payments and payments to my team and filling a roster of 12 or larger for 11 seasons at 80% or higher should be able to pay off a complete bankruptcy and allow the team to compete at a higher level and compete in b3 for Division Iv.

I should be able to have a couple of deep cup runs and one chance at b3 in division Iv with this staff that is with a capped roster and a rebuild of the roster which is what I am doing now. The highest I can get too in Country ranking is 300 capped and I should be favorite by then if I don't win division Iv in 2-3 seasons at 50% fill rate and a bankrupt season to fill payments and clear the 1.2 in debt.

Should win championship and have a decent cup run in the last 2 seasons in division Iv or win a championship and up to division III if the engine doesn't feel that I am ready but I believe it has enough data on me to catapult me to a b3 run and a deep cup run with almost missing the playoffs and in the relegation series one of the next 2 seasons.

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297725.11 in reply to 297725.8
Date: 01/30/2019 22:09:12
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Also don't forget when their was illegal farming by multiple National teams farms that was expanding their range pool by inflating them everybody who was their and every team got a reset. I just used a reset and should be fine. While I was founding New Zeland at that time I notice it too. Btw have you used the reset yet you got?

This Post:
297725.12 in reply to 297725.9
Date: 01/30/2019 22:10:04
Greensboro Generals
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I am guessing that if you get fired then that is it for you period, no new team, no getting that team back. Wonder if this means you lose your utopia team as well?

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 01/30/2019 22:10:23

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297725.13 in reply to 297725.12
Date: 01/30/2019 22:10:54
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They can't do that because bankruptcy is written in the game.

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297725.14 in reply to 297725.12
Date: 01/30/2019 22:14:39
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I believe that is correct too. I believe I got fired for the playoffs I don't even see where I got a gate receipt for the playoffs I am going to check that now.

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297725.15 in reply to 297725.14
Date: 01/31/2019 00:31:39
Greensboro Generals
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Well you'll be wrong, as you usually are. Dude your so far down the hole a backhoe couldn't get you out and it's not like anyone is going to do a save wardo telethon. But maybe you keep your utopia team, or maybe not.

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297725.16 in reply to 297725.15
Date: 01/31/2019 00:39:05
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Then you attempt to do the math since you can accurately account for everything. Is this why your in the Mattress company instead of sales and I am in the music and managing peoples appointment every month I work less than every 9-5 job and make more than except Athletes and Doctors.

I did the math for the last 40 seasons and have been right with every adjustment that the game engine will never change. Their is a low co efficient and high co efficient I just gave you two pointers that could help your team loads that only the people who knows the math but you won't do the math all you do is claim that every time I do something out of your IQ level you end up saying you cheated or its up in the air the same with every old fart in Beaufort and Pit County. The way to handle this is to tell them not to throw it up in the air. I am not at that point with my dad and you talk way more to me than my family and my dad. Hmmm. Maybe one day when your all alone and nobody wants to talk to you that you see you are wrong.
