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From: knb

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211508.3 in reply to 211508.1
Date: 05/20/2012 02:46:38
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Also just joined..

From: wackyjacky

To: knb
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211508.4 in reply to 211508.3
Date: 08/26/2012 08:02:54
Overall Posts Rated:
just joined,
anyone still active?

This Post:
211508.5 in reply to 211508.4
Date: 08/29/2012 06:02:19
Overall Posts Rated:
Hey guys, Yeah I'm active. Welcome. :)

This forum is generally dead!

This Post:
211508.6 in reply to 211508.5
Date: 08/30/2012 00:01:23
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I was in this league a number of seasons ago and 3 of use were promoted in the end. One has made it to Dvi II and we others are in Div III. If anyone wants some pointers please feel free to message me. Can pass on what little I know.

This Post:
211508.7 in reply to 211508.6
Date: 08/30/2012 07:35:18
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I'm doin ok thanks.
I'm just training up my frenchman for their U21 team, don't need to promote or anything just yet.

This Post:
211508.8 in reply to 211508.6
Date: 09/04/2012 06:58:54
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Good to know that there have been promoted teams. I'm still getting the hang of it. Transfers, and managing budget/economy ive figured out but training i have no idea lol.

This Post:
211508.9 in reply to 211508.8
Date: 09/05/2012 06:05:58
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It is the key. Without it you will spend too much on getting somewhere.

I would if starting again follow this as a plan.

Sell everyone other then your best 2 players at each positions. Maybe even more.

Then maybe look at buying a couple of players who will come in and improve your side from day one.

Then decide if you want to train big men or guards. Big men is easier.
Find 2 18 year old who are decent levels already and have potential of all star plus. Most likely Pren allstar. You don't need more then that now.

And train them up. Start with Def. It is the way to get quick results.

That is it in a nut shell.

From: cp1610
This Post:
211508.10 in reply to 211508.9
Date: 09/14/2012 03:35:09
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Good advice on the training plan. Anyone got tips on arena expansion?

This Post:
211508.11 in reply to 211508.10
Date: 09/17/2012 02:52:03
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well bang for buck, in my opinion.
do 500 bleachers at a time + little bits of courtside and lower tier.. takes 7 days and that means each week you get to benefit from your upgrades.
never do an upgrade that is going to take more than 7-9 days.

This Post:
211508.12 in reply to 211508.9
Date: 10/03/2012 21:21:40
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Hey guys,

I'm new as well. I reckon it'll be better if we get some friendly banter going. I've had a look at some other forums n they all seem to be pretty active in them.

Maybe it could be a good place to help each other if we think of anything good. Mickyster thanks for the initial help! With the arena I was thinking of just increasing price of tickets instead of buying new seats as that way don't have to pay for it! Do you think this will work?? Or will no one come if I put them up??

This Post:
211508.13 in reply to 211508.12
Date: 10/03/2012 22:15:16
Overall Posts Rated:

You can put prices up but if you get more income it is limited. By building more seats when you move up thru the leagues you get more and more income. I am in Div III this season and have 15,000 seats and bring in over 200k a week from ticket sales. Even if you just do a little bit here and there. 500 Bleachers is a good start.

How is your squad? You only want 10 guys and need 2 guys to train as either big guys (close to 7") or small guys (close to 6") that are young (18 to 20 max) who have a decent potential. PRem Allstar trained well would give you guys who can follow thru as a backup in ABBL if you make it that far.

If you don't have 2 of them try and guy them. If you want to pm the details of what you have for training I can help with a plan.
