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97789.2 in reply to 97789.1
Date: 06/19/2009 05:26:07
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The enthusiasm is increased by 33% if you Take It Easy (TIE), and decreased by 50% if you Crunch Time (CT) a game.

You can easily see your current enthusiasm by setting orders for one of your next games, in the schedule page. Just remember that it always reverts back to 5 game after game, unless you TIE or CT again. The further it is from 5, the faster it will drop or increase after a Normal Attitude game. It is always reset to 5 at the end of the season.

If your enthusiasm was 5 before TIEing a game, it should now be at 7 or 6. It will increase beyond 10, if you keep TIEing: I think some people mentioned having reached 15 or more, but of course it drops very quickly in that case.

In PO games people tend to CT most of the time because: 1) you're not punished in your enthusiasm like in RS games (see the rules) and 2) a single loss and you're out, so you have to be very cautious.

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97789.3 in reply to 97789.2
Date: 06/19/2009 05:39:13
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Thank you very much for the help.

You mentioned ''In PO games people tend to CT most of the time because: 1) you're not punished in your enthusiasm like in RS games (see the rules)''

Where can I find the rules that state that or does playing CT not make you drop in the playoffs? Do you maintain the same level throughout the playoffs?

Also, I am playing a big game at home that is on TV (both teams are 3-1). My level is at 5....should I CT or is it too early in the season?

Also, if you are playing a team that is at the bottom of the standings...would you reccomend using TIE at Home or Away. Which would give you a better chance of still winning the Home?

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97789.4 in reply to 97789.3
Date: 06/19/2009 05:58:33
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Follow the Rules > Tactics section. In short, during PO you cannot TIE but CT has the same effect on enthusiasm as Regular Season Normal, and Normal has the same effect as a Regular Season TIE.

It's not wise to CT at 5, because you will find yourself at 2 or 3 in your next game. Most people would tell you to absolutely avoid it, but I say: if you really need that win, go for it. Just bear in mind that it will take 4 or 5 games to get back to 5, unless you TIE them. I once CT'ed an important game with 5 enthusiasm, I won it and managed to win the following games even with a very low enth., thus gaining home court advantage in the PO so it can definitely help although it's very risky.

Not sure what you mean with the last question, of course it's wiser to TIE when playing home where you have an advantage, but it's impossible to say if you'll win anyway (especially if your opponent CT's in the same game: this can be a very tricky mind game, I'd suggest to check your opponents' attitude in their previous games before making a decision).

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97789.5 in reply to 97789.4
Date: 06/19/2009 09:52:29
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Thank you so much. Thats helps out a bunch. I will stay at Normal and hopefully win this game and then I have two homes games in a row that I may TIE.

Thanks again