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Canada - II.1 > Season 26

Season 26

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From: Gazou

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251907.16 in reply to 251907.15
Date: 12/30/2013 16:27:54
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Well I am + 8000 Per week and I still need a SF :/ Not cool lol

I need to start winning games and fill up that arena lol

Good luck everyone this season :)

This Post:
251907.17 in reply to 251907.16
Date: 12/30/2013 18:30:47
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I may also be in the red this season. Frankly I am really pissed off at the total lack of notice in regards to this stupid new tax. If I would have known about it earlier I likely would have made major roster moves, now I am in a position to either lose money all season or make changes and suffer the GS BS.

Ah well, we shall see.

Last edited by Mod-beanerz at 12/30/2013 20:44:38

This Post:
251907.18 in reply to 251907.17
Date: 12/30/2013 19:24:42
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As you know, the global financial crisis is hitting everyone, and we strongly believe that BuzzerBeater teams should be able to run a sustainable franchise. To encourage managers to build a team that can operate within its means, we’re introducing a “fair play” rule into the financial system that gives teams an incentive to keep their salaries in line with that which they earn in in a given week. We’re still fine-tuning the details, but we’ll be introducing this into the game at the start of the next season.

To me this screamed, % of money over will be tax.

If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets.
This Post:
251907.19 in reply to 251907.18
Date: 12/30/2013 19:58:39
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Lol. The news update does not give near enough detail. I do agree after seeing it now it makes sense but they really should have given teams some notice before rolling it out. I support the change and am happy about it however it leaves plenty of users in a crappy spot where in a season they may have chosen to "go for it" they now have to consider selling off.

For my team the change needed would be to sell Worley and perhaps another high paid vet and get younger. Honestly I am ok with that but selling Worley has the potential to screw the NT.

This Post:
251907.20 in reply to 251907.19
Date: 12/30/2013 20:06:30
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You have to be pretty far over for the tax to really hurt, no?

I mean, if it's 50k/week you're over, that's 700k a season (no tax) vs 75k/week and 1.05mil (tax). Then with the training exemption you get... you're still going to bleed that much?

Buying B3 championships, now that's going to hurt.

If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets.
This Post:
251907.21 in reply to 251907.20
Date: 12/30/2013 20:14:34
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I am paying a whooping total of $225/week in tax. Obviously not an issue given my deep bank account however I just wish all users were given a chance to adjust. I can only imagine what this change will do to the player market, older veterans with high salaries are going to be unmovable and forced to retire. Young players are going to be in high demand and have huge increases in their market value with fewer than normal being sold.

My opinion is that the game needed to be fixed but this was not that high a priority. It leaves a bunch of things left unaddressed including:
Fan survey - it is a mess so combine it with the tax and it could be really ugly for some.
LI Dominance - sure they have tried to fix it however they are not even close to doing enough. Creating a guessing game that boosts defence is a bit lame. It will help but they should have revamped the tactic completely.

This Post:
251907.22 in reply to 251907.21
Date: 12/30/2013 20:21:29
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225k ?????

survey = agreed, they did say they slightly tweaked it a bit and that the last game matters less... still lots of work to do

li dominance = agreed, i'm not a huge fan of the whole gdp thing, would rather have seen tactic decreased in strength a bit and tweaked salary = is more expensive vs jr less expensive

If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets.
This Post:
251907.23 in reply to 251907.22
Date: 12/30/2013 20:43:41
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No 225 dollars :). If it was 225k I would be bankrupt in no time.

This Post:
251907.24 in reply to 251907.23
Date: 01/02/2014 13:56:16
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Looks like everyone's starting to load up already.

From: Gazou

This Post:
251907.25 in reply to 251907.24
Date: 01/02/2014 16:25:41
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Yep ! It should be a fun season :)

From: Bballin

This Post:
251907.26 in reply to 251907.25
Date: 01/02/2014 16:55:14
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NO NO NO. If this turns into an arms race beanerz wins! everytime! haha
