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USA - NBBA > Season what the heck season is this?

Season what the heck season is this?

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299145.12 in reply to 299145.9
Date: 05/10/2019 17:40:08
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Anyway, welcome to the league. That goes for all the newcomers. Enjoy the season! And hrudey, when you play me, no poopball (RNG) please. It doesn't work here and players just wind up getting injured.

If my team doesn't jack up almost 100 shots, how am I ever going to break 60 points? (Actually, adjusting for league level, maybe 50?). Heck, I could try to run a Princeton once, and end up with 26 points, but like 19 of them would be the first six minutes of the third quarter or something stupid like that.

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299145.13 in reply to 299145.11
Date: 05/10/2019 18:07:34
U.K Nuggets
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U.K Nuggets II
Nooooo not like this :`-( I was just trying to not catch 3Ls going against your division. It had to be done B)

Last edited by Holocron at 05/10/2019 18:07:56

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299145.14 in reply to 299145.13
Date: 05/10/2019 18:19:31
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Nooooo not like this I was just trying to not catch 3Ls going against your division. It had to be done

The corollary to the "Let the Wookie win" strategy is "Don't crunch your GM".

But, I mean, I guess you can throw our first matchup and make up for that. ;) By the time the second one comes around, I might be too far gone to care.

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299145.16 in reply to 299145.15
Date: 05/10/2019 20:04:40
U.K Nuggets
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U.K Nuggets II
It’s not my fault he bid. If people are really that butt hurt about it so be it. I’m not a cheater and I went by what discord members said a rough estimate was. I added a little extra to it. So if I lost for $1 and game server crashes like it has before Marin won’t reimburse me. He’s stated time and time again. If we are going to play that game why doesn’t everyone list their players they sell for $1 and let the market decide their value? :? I’m not going to sit here all season arguing over a draftee I posted being sold. I’m pretty sure GM’s or Marin can see I’ve not cheated in this game or laundered money. Last season market value was ridiculously high so I followed the strategy of posting what most U21 people saw as a very solid player. He’s part of the World’s class so usually there’s more bids but everyone was so focused on Tanner Knott and Rocco Durant.

I’ve always made sure to cover myself from potential cheating allegations. When I was stationed in Europe I let an EGM/GM know and every time I’ve deployed I’ve let someone know so my account never got banned. But everyone can have their own thoughts and ideas about me I really gdaf I-)

Last edited by Holocron at 05/10/2019 20:54:25

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299145.17 in reply to 299145.16
Date: 05/10/2019 20:50:26
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First of all, we're all long-time players of this game and all very knowledgeable and smart managers (with the notable exception of Captain P-dog, hey-yo!). With that said, we all have opinions on things. Remember that we're not going to talk about any actual allegations of cheating here because that's a bad thing and then I have to act like a damn grownup staff member. Nobody wants that, least of all me. If someone does actually feel like something unseemly has occurred here or anywhere, of course, there are proper methods for reporting that.

(And the Captain P-Dog crack was just for giggles. I didn't realize it's been more than 7 years but I still remember winning a game against him on a shooting foul at the buzzer : (39467562).

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299145.18 in reply to 299145.17
Date: 05/10/2019 20:58:15
Prairie Dogs
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No, we have not forgotten the phantom foul. The local news plays it every time they are calling for a broom to sweep out the Prairie Dogs' front office.

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299145.20 in reply to 299145.16
Date: 05/11/2019 01:44:50
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I deleted my post. I don’t understand the transfer market for trainees. I haven’t looked closely for a long time but I wouldn’t be surprised if a certain skill set was especially desirable regardless of total TSP. Good for you to make some money. It’s needed in this league.

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299145.21 in reply to 299145.20
Date: 05/18/2019 21:55:28
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One of these days, those rare times where I plan on just playing one guy at a specific position, I'm going to learn to pick someone to at least list in the reserve slot so I don't have old shitty PFs subbed in at PG trying to defend threes.

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299145.22 in reply to 299145.21
Date: 05/21/2019 21:55:21
Florida Champs
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Great Lakes Spartans
Highpoint, that might’ve been one of the most frustrating things to ever watch. Dumbfounded how Littlejohn never fouled out. BuzzerBeater put back dunk to force OT and mess up minutes more than they already were. That hurt. Selling my bum backup PG after that overall performance.. good game though, wish the final score wasn’t a 13 point deficit the fan survey isn’t gonna like that lol

Last edited by Bobbanana at 05/21/2019 22:09:07
