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From: Prathis
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Date: 05/05/2020 17:44:13
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Hey everyone, hope you are all doing well with this crazy Corona stuff going on. I check in on my team here and there, I don't mess with it much right now. Since joining I have put most everything earned into building up my area. I figured I would max it out where I want it before focusing on the team. Did you guys do that as well or are you taking a different approach?

From: Rdkin

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304284.2 in reply to 304284.1
Date: 05/05/2020 19:32:06
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Hey all is well with me no BIG issues with corona. Im just training young guys currently. My plan is to sell them at 20 or 21 and start over with 18y/o's. Once I get enough money ill train guys at PF/SF and try to get to the NBBA. Ohh and sometime between now and then ill max out my arena.

From: neil
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304284.3 in reply to 304284.2
Date: 05/22/2020 22:18:40
Fenway Flyers
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Hey guys, just joined- used to play this game years ago, thought of it randomly and thought I'd rejoin (plenty of time to kill in quarantine). Hope all's still good with you guys, looking forward to getting next season going

From: Rdkin

To: neil
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304284.4 in reply to 304284.3
Date: 05/26/2020 19:08:18
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Hey welcome back. Pretty laid back league you got into about half the teams are bots. Should be nice to help you get back in the swing of things.

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304284.5 in reply to 304284.4
Date: 05/28/2020 16:32:08
Park West Walrus
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Same here.. I played from seasons 7 - 30 and just rejoined this january.. Rdkin, I see from your history youve made it to the NBBA b4.. Any tips?

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304284.6 in reply to 304284.5
Date: 05/30/2020 19:21:22
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So my old plan was to train the most expensive type of player. I figured if my team ever got good then I wont have to search the transfer list for that type of player. My current plan is to basically just stockpile a bunch of money by selling off trainees after a few seasons. All my ideas of progressing in this game have been based on training players. So if you have any questions with training I can give you my best advice. If you are planning on training you should put money into a good trainer. For what I do in this game I've found a level 5+ trainer works best.

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304284.7 in reply to 304284.6
Date: 06/10/2020 19:30:47
Park West Walrus
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Thanks I appreciate the tips.. Good Luck to everyone in Season 50! Season 49 was my first time back in 5 years.. Definitely was one of the things that kept my hopes up through this historical time in our history. Hope you all are safe and healthy. - P. W. Walrus..... P.S. .. My new rookie starting SG/SF name is.. get this KEVIN BACON :P

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304284.8 in reply to 304284.7
Date: 07/27/2020 15:02:19
Fenway Flyers
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Well damn we just had a pretty wild finish... turnover and then one of my guys hits the buzzerbeater to win... tough luck for you Saturn

Season's shaping up to be a pretty clear contest between Denver and AZ, looking forward to them finally playing tomorrow and seeing who's the top dog so far. Not sure anyone else is gonna stop those two from facing off again in the championship

Hope everyone's doing alright! Things are slowly returning to normal where I'm at.

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304284.9 in reply to 304284.8
Date: 07/28/2020 14:59:25
Park West Walrus
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Jeez.. I know.. I watched the ending live at work.. I pounded the desk pretty hard lol

From: Prathis

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304284.10 in reply to 304284.2
Date: 08/08/2020 12:16:11
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I actually finished maxing out my arena this season. I made sure I had a decent enough team to stay competitive, making the tournament and keeping attendance good but that was it. Now that my arena is maxed to where I want it the team building begins. :)

From: neil

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304284.11 in reply to 304284.10
Date: 08/10/2020 15:02:09
Fenway Flyers
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lol it's such a grind, at this point I just dump each week's profits into arena expansions...and I'm making like 100k/week!!

what's your capacity at now? If you don't mind sharing (no tactical advantage comes to mind with that being out there haha)