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hoarding tax

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From: 6Thic9
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Date: 4/23/2016 10:42:51 AM
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what's with this new tax??? Already cost me 2.5 millions in the last two weeks.(which is more than i make in a season).How am i to build up a financial healthy team if i'm not allowed to build up wealth so when the time comes and i have all high wages players and not to worry to go bankrupt in a season.
Am i the only one who thinks this is bullshit and how do the others who have this cope with it....This is a serious deal breaker i set up this long term goal and now an effort of years is just wiped away...Will see how this evolves a bit but else i'm quitting.

This Post:
278513.2 in reply to 278513.1
Date: 4/23/2016 10:47:42 AM
Durham Wasps
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Sunderland Boilermakers
How much money do you need to be financially healthy?

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278513.3 in reply to 278513.2
Date: 4/23/2016 2:28:19 PM
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i guess that varies.But if you have like (recently bought)10 expensive players, it will take a while before you'll be making profit again and so better have a large piggy bank to bridge that period.Just to be clear i'm still playing with relatively cheap players.I just was planning to build up wealth and then buy a (very) talented team...but i had 38 millions (was hoping to get to at least 50) which took me years of playing to get there and now in less than 2 weeks 2.5 millions has evaporated :| which i find very dissapointing.
Maybe i need to mention that i don' t have hours a week to spend on this game so i can't make money buying and selling players or maybe other ways of making money, just the making sure more money gets in than i spend.
Am i realy the only one who has a problem with this hoarding tax??? :)

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278513.4 in reply to 278513.3
Date: 4/23/2016 2:50:53 PM
Durham Wasps
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Sunderland Boilermakers
I doubt there's many people who have to pay the tax, but I'm fairly certain you won't be the only one with a problem. Those of us who don't pay it though, probably don't mind it at all.

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278513.7 in reply to 278513.3
Date: 4/24/2016 4:35:01 AM
Spartan 300
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Spartan Kids
Just get your economy under 30 mil $ so you must play no taxes for your money.

You can upgrade your arena or buy some hard core trainies or some excellent players, it's on you.

GL mate, it's sad to see that someone loose his hard earned money just cos someone don't want you to have it.
They cut your money in 2 weeks that you earned one whole season on BB, but show must go on...

This is where we hold them!
This Post:
278513.11 in reply to 278513.10
Date: 4/24/2016 12:11:56 PM
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I think this change is maybe the most important to make this game interesting for newcomers. Because people who began this game after s20, should also have a chance to compete in the highest div, if old money is hoarded in the top teams of a country, they don't have a chance.

It is hard for the people who are affected of course. especially in such an extreme case. but it still is a good change in my opinion.

I would preferd if it were a steady increased tax: a low perecntage which everyone has to pay and then higher percentages for teams who have more cash.

Last edited by jonte at 4/24/2016 12:13:56 PM