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Date: 09/08/2015 23:46:02
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Come on BB, you have got to be able to do better than this....I have a 7-3 team coming off a great season, and have raised prices once in 5 seasons and I consistently dont draw anyone...did I mention most of my players are from the USA whereas a good many teams in my league have nearly, come on.

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273457.2 in reply to 273457.1
Date: 09/09/2015 08:51:47
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Want more people to attend? Lower your Bleachers prices. It looks like as a whole you have decent attendance for the size of arena. Maybe you should consider expanding your arena so you can lower prices and bring in more fans.

I have 1757 players for sale and I'm $25,835,360 in debt. Buy them at outrageous prices, or be selfish and make me go bankrupt. You decide, BB.
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273457.3 in reply to 273457.1
Date: 09/09/2015 10:52:06
The LA Lions
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It is also very important to win the game right before your next home game. (Scrimmages don't count.)

Last edited by Harold Miner at 09/09/2015 10:52:54

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273457.5 in reply to 273457.4
Date: 09/09/2015 20:52:09
Greensboro Generals
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I think it had more to do with the fact you were playing a crap ass team, Funny thing is a loss by yours truly one Thanksgiving night many moons ago to said half assed possibly botting opponent is what got me hooked into this game (42221347)

Oh and the guy you are tied in the standings with was in d4.39 with me a couple of seasons ago.

In the nosebleeds, club level and courtside I actually think your just about right, your in tight division, you are in 3rd, and that has a lot to do with it, you draw well on nights against decent opponents, practically to capacity for big games, terrible against bad teams, but it is what it is. I think though unless you going to expand that you leave the ticket prices alone, well dropping the luxury suites down to about 775 would move the two or three that are not and thats a couple of grand a week for the coffers.

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 09/09/2015 20:53:17

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273457.6 in reply to 273457.1
Date: 09/12/2015 15:01:02
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What everyone else has said.
While you won your TV game, which was also your rival game, which is great, you lost your prior game to this home game, and were facing a lower ranked team, so it makes sense you took a hit to your attendance. Unfortunately, your next home game is against an even lower ranked team. This happens in all leagues. In DII when you face a tanking team, you can see an impact in ticket sales greater than $50k all else being equal.
When did you raise prices? Was it recently?

Essentially, when it comes time to adjust prices, note what your range is in ticket sales and pick a happy medium, and then base your price decrease on that number. For instance, if you only sell out in the best circumstances, you may want to decrease your ticket prices a little bit, but if you are always coming in between 60 - 80% capacity, you'd want to lower ticket prices a bit more. This is of course not an exact science, so there is a lot of trial and error, plus your team will get better and better over time, which will increase your ticket sales, but you'll also be building your arena, which will require more price adjustments. Have fun!

Last edited by Iguanadon Joe at 09/12/2015 15:01:19