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Why I lost this game

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From: Tom Bane

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262526.2 in reply to 262526.1
Date: 09/02/2014 18:26:35
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GDP was a wash since you both guessed correctly.

So lets look at what happened in the game.

First, his defense was a good counter for your offense. 1-3-1 vs Motion. This gave him more blocks and steals than your team had, which lead to more opportunities for him to score. 22 more shots for his team and 10 more makes.

Second, he had 22 offensive rebounds vs your 7 which also helped give him more opportunities.

This is mostly thanks to his Center beating your Center. His Center had 10 offensive rebounds. His Center had a beast game. The best of the season for him. With the 1-3-1, his Center was on an island and stepped up to the challenge.

Your Center: Sal 48484, RB/G 13.4, ORB/G 2.9
His Center: Sal 67007, RB/G 10.6 ORB/G 2.6

I would guess the difference in salary has to do with Rebounding.

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262526.4 in reply to 262526.2
Date: 09/02/2014 19:31:59
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First, his defense was a good counter for your offense. 1-3-1 vs Motion. This gave him more blocks and steals than your team had, which lead to more opportunities for him to score. 22 more shots for his team and 10 more makes.

I'm sorry, I read it backwards. You are correct, it is a good counter to stop the outside shot, although 3-2 may be better so that you have someone back to rebound with.

That would explain the difference in offensive rebounds.

Your PF got outplayed as well. He turned it over 6 times and fouled out of the game. His PF also had 3 blocks, so that might be a weakness too.

With the 1-3-1, his Center was on an island and stepped up to the challenge.

This should say that your Center was on an island and it showed in the stats.

Yeah, looking at it again, offense was stymied by defense in both cases, but the turnovers (blocks and steals) and offensive rebounds are what won the game for him.

From: Big Gulp

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262526.5 in reply to 262526.1
Date: 09/03/2014 00:18:21
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Mixing in other offenses to limit guesses or get an incorrect guess couldn't hurt. As well as who knows what happens if you get home court. But yeah the rebounding killed.

Last edited by Big Gulp at 09/03/2014 00:19:13

From: Coach Regan

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262526.8 in reply to 262526.1
Date: 09/03/2014 09:58:11
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Hey everyone - I kinda read the OP's question slightly differently, so apologies if m off the mark.

I lost a game and want to know if there was a chance to win that game

So ive interpreted that as - would you win it if you guys played the same/similar lineups and offensive/defensive selections again?
ie: Did randomness cause you to lose the game?

and my answer to that is - no. you were resoundingly beaten. Closest you got in the last 5 mins was 7 points, but really, with 5 mins to go, you were down by 15. thats BB telling you - that your tactics or lineups were wrong. No randomness there.

again - apologies if this isnt what u were asking.

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262526.9 in reply to 262526.7
Date: 09/07/2014 18:08:48
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The 3-2 zone doesn't affect the RB rating so if you want to counter outside offense it is a good choice. The 1-3-1 zone should be used with caution if your playing against an onside offense or a team with good RB.

What you mean 3-2 doesn't affect rebounding? If that's the case, I should try it out more often :)

Would you mind giving us more info about your 3-2 zone experiences?

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262526.11 in reply to 262526.10
Date: 09/08/2014 17:06:12
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Ok thank you :)