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BB Barbados > U21 National Team Debate Thread

U21 National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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From: Billy
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252432.2 in reply to 252432.1
Date: 12/25/2013 22:48:37
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Nothing yet.... darn. The US is having a good debate. Like I mentioned earlier, I want to mirror a system similar. Granted, there is strength in numbers but communication and team work as a country can get us the grouping of trainable/trained talent needed to climb the charts.

From: Mix

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252432.3 in reply to 252432.2
Date: 12/26/2013 21:31:13
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@Billy, I guess I'll kick it off with some questions then.

1) What do you see as the plan with the S26 lineup post Faulkner?

2) How do you feel about your draw in the U21 Americas this upcoming season?

3) What assets do you bring to the table aside from modeling Barbados after US21?

From: Billy

To: Mix
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252432.4 in reply to 252432.3
Date: 12/26/2013 23:50:09
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Nice to talk to you again Mix. I really enjoy the political talking heads in the U.S forums, I find it funny but unnecessary so I'll be as honest as possible. :-)

To your first question Barbados lost some key players for the team, Faulkner and Valentine specifically. But losing that strong center will be tough. As of right now I don't have any specific plans on how to over come Faulkner moving on. But I can say that the Centers on the current roster will not come close to replacing him this season, but some of the young PFs may be able to be trained for a few seasons to come close by age 21. I will need to see specific skills. I hope I answered your question a bit.

To the second question, honestly, does it matter much? I really hope that the owners of the U21 NT players are dedicated to training players to win more than two games the last two seasons. For this to work it's going to take more than 2 seasons but I really want the opportunity to get the boat moving and then hopefully, get the boat sailing in a few seasons. It time for someone to take this seriously and get private teams on board with getting the island hooping. I did notice the last game of the season is the "rivial" game vs. your Bahamas lol.

Finally to the last question, I bring spirit, good looks, speed/agility, a bachelors degree working on Masters degree, I will bring the eye of the tiger, extensive knowledge about basic U.S government and economics and the ability to buckle a belt one handed if I ever need to. Couldn't help myself :-). Honestly I think I am dedicated to BB and if elected, dedicated to actually helping develop young talent to make the U21 NT win games! I am good at training my own players and eyeing talent that will fit a particular teams scheme. Getting more specific, last season was my first season in a 4 league. I made it to the play offs as a three seed by winning the games I knew I could win and recognizing the games I could win and the games I knew I would not win. It was very strategic last season and I feel that my low PD was due to BB experience. It sounds

I hope I answered your questions, I was as honest as I could be with the limited info I have on the players Barbados currently has. I will admit I will also be doing some learning on the job but I'm very quick on my feet.

This Post:
252432.5 in reply to 252432.4
Date: 12/27/2013 06:32:14
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j ai formée deja 3 joueur de 21 internationnal et 1 joueur international

From: Billy

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252432.6 in reply to 252432.5
Date: 12/27/2013 17:42:06
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S'il est élu J'aimerais avoir vous vous entraînez joueurs de la Barbade.

If elected I would love to have you train players from Barbados.

Sorry, I took French in highschool... been a while

From: Billy
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252432.7 in reply to 252432.6
Date: 12/28/2013 17:16:10
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I have began to contact some of the owners of the Barbados NT players in hopes of hearing that they do plan on training our prospects. I really think that Garry Waterworth could be a big time player if he is trained from week to week. I also contacted the owner of Ben MacLennan in hopes to hear that he'll receive training each week as well. He is from China though and I do hope he speaks English or know what google translate is :-)

Sure hope I haven't wasted my time :-) lol

My name is Billy and I approved this message