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BB Barbados > U21 players and their skills

U21 players and their skills

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Date: 08/20/2013 09:05:54
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18 yo playerz should have at least 6 at their main skills (scouter:abigfishy)

19 yo playerz should have at least 7 at their main skills(scouter:3peat)


20 and 21 yo players should have at least 8 at their main skills(scouter:Elite Colorways)

For more information,questions or disagreements with the scouters bb-mail me or reply to the post

From: Billy
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246641.2 in reply to 246641.1
Date: 01/01/2014 22:01:53
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At this point in our teams development, just train your players and get it!

Members that want to ask about anything Barbados please contact me anytime!

From: Mix

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246641.3 in reply to 246641.2
Date: 01/01/2014 23:50:31
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Berger (30503695) going for $350K with only 52 TSP is madness.

Ellard (32423261) was a damn shame.

IMO Topper (32423230) and Mullane (32482256) aren't worth saving. 19yo MVPs seem to be the minimum for that age to move to worthy trainers.

Craft (32423248), Bond (32423222), and Trumphey (32423234) are worth trying to get out to market. They all seem to be getting mins. but not 48+ yet. Could be he doesn't know about training efficiency yet. You may address that with the owner directly. Patterson (31798612) 's owner seems to be getting good minutes with guards so maybe try to swing them over to his squad.

Cherry (31372547) is on a high league Canadian squad. He was purchased back in 9/27 and still hasn't run 48+. For a 20yo he's pretty behind. I'd consider axing him. Same story with Karmiol (29138544) and Stone (30400377)

Uther (32423226) isn't showing much training potential either.

Being a successful coach is part predictor of the future by analyzing trends. Try to get some of your local trainers better trainees in their hands and it will pay off down the road. Listing ho-hummers on the roster will only hold your squad back.

Even if you have to run thin for a bit, you're better off getting better players to market where trainers can pick them up. In all reality, you'll probably need to put your own money up to make that happen. That was part of the secret to the success of Bahamas. By the end of my run there, including my time as a scout, I'd brought over 2 million in sales in 3 seasons of work. Some of that was overbidding for certain players just to get them out to market then getting outbid.

You're doing a hell of a job so far. What you're working with looks painfully similar to what I started with out in BAH. Best of luck.

Last edited by Mix at 01/01/2014 23:53:02

From: Mix

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246641.4 in reply to 246641.3
Date: 01/02/2014 00:07:57
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Just combed the relevant drafts.

For your consideration:
Webb (30400353)
Crook (31372553)

Keep in mind, beyond the draft are spawned players that are out there that don't appear on any draft. You'll need to use buzzerstats to try to track them down.

Oh and Waterworth (31372571) has an excellent trainer. Windies is the man.

From: Billy

To: Mix
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246641.5 in reply to 246641.4
Date: 01/02/2014 01:37:14
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Crook has been on my radar and I've already talked to his manager. He'll be getting some training for sure. He's hurt but he'll get some FT and ST over the three week period.

Webb, he's pretty decent, on the roster but is 3rd in total skill points though of the SF's.

Waterworth, he'll be really good and I've already spoken to Windies, good dude and I expect Waterworth to get some good training.

On a sidenote though, what is "buzzerstats"? Off site data base?

From: Billy

To: Mix
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246641.6 in reply to 246641.3
Date: 01/02/2014 01:47:56
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Funny I make several roster cuts and add one or two and then I read this. Looks like I did/thought very similarly to you. I used your template as motivation to create a very similar data base on excel. Thanks again for that.

To be honest, 2 million you spent on players to train for the Bahama National Team... seems like a big sacrifice to your own team. They kinda kicked themselves in the but not voting for you. I now need to find people that are willing/needing a young player to train and get them to buy/train some players from Barbados.

Oh, Berger is over priced and Ellard... FML. There needs to be a way for micro-nations to grab those guys!

From: Billy

To: Mix
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246641.7 in reply to 246641.4
Date: 01/02/2014 16:16:19
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Got into buzzerstats, pretty interesting!

But, I couldn't find any Barbados players right now that could be of use. Seems like there was a good group of players a few seasons ago though. We'll get there.

From: Mix

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246641.8 in reply to 246641.7
Date: 01/02/2014 22:05:08
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I loaded in all the players for the last 4 seasons. Didn't see nothing then either.

IMO priority 1 is working with 3peat and whatever managers are responsive to get them loading up on draft points so they can save any high potentials coming in the next draft. It's a tall order but at least it will start to get decent players out to market.

I've RL'd to D4 so I'm not sure how my finances will be looking this season but perhaps next season. Great work with the team. Good luck in the first round.

From: windies

To: Mix
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246641.9 in reply to 246641.4
Date: 01/05/2014 18:24:54
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lol shucks thanks mon. Waterworth is looking good & while I was looking around for someone better ho never came last season I was training Ward from Jamacia & he has made their U21 team now but low potential. Mix should have been the coach they were crazy to not vote for him.

From: Billy

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246641.10 in reply to 246641.9
Date: 01/05/2014 21:04:05
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I mentioned that to Mix too. They wont take off as much as they could have.

But seriously though, thanks for being willing to train a young player from Barbados. We will need managers like you in the short future. Garry excites me, keep it up man.

From: windies

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246641.11 in reply to 246641.10
Date: 01/13/2014 17:39:43
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Will do. I liked the OD pop this week. By the end of the season hopefully prominent OD & ID XD.