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Enthusiasm question

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From: TyBoss
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Date: 04/08/2010 10:55:59
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If you have really high enthusiasm and TIE and someone has 5 enthusiasm and they CT, your team is still technically playing harder correct?

From: dabomby

This Post:
139731.2 in reply to 139731.1
Date: 04/08/2010 11:11:57
Overall Posts Rated:
Although your team may be playing better than theirs, technically if they CT and you TIE they're still playing harder.

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139731.3 in reply to 139731.1
Date: 04/08/2010 11:12:13
Overall Posts Rated:
If you have really high enthusiasm and TIE and someone has 5 enthusiasm and they CT, your team is still technically playing harder correct?

As a general rule you can say TIE with 8 is as good as normal with 5.
That opinion seems to be generally accepted in the forums.

Last edited by El Duderino at 04/08/2010 11:12:32

We have both said a lot of things that you are going to regret.