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Cup game advice

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Date: 04/08/2010 06:50:53
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I've drawn a div 2 team for my next cup game and need some advice. Do you think it is possible for me to beat them if I play CT (I currently have 14 enthusiasm)? What defence do you think I should play? What offence? Or should I just throw the match and play TIE as I am no chance of winning?


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139700.2 in reply to 139700.1
Date: 04/08/2010 07:07:33
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i'm sorry that team is gun. That's bad luck. Your only chance is if they TIE and then you CT with your strongest team but this will hurt GS and also may affect you for league games. They are great inside not very strong outside though. High offensive flow so don't FCP, high rebonding and IS so maybe a 2-3 against them. On Wednesday check if he has played his best player, if he has played about 70 min i don't think he would risk bad GS next week on a cup game. If so CT. Outside offense but they may do 3-2. The only guys that stand in your way are Brian Nunes-Roberts and Stasius Skliuderis. If you are sure they won't start or be backup CT and see what happens. Bad draw for you.

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139700.3 in reply to 139700.2
Date: 04/08/2010 07:11:05
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Cheers, I'll have to see what they do closer to the date :)

Anyone else have any advice/tips?

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139700.4 in reply to 139700.3
Date: 04/08/2010 07:16:21
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Try to play your strongest team as less as possible if you want to win the cup game, so you can manage GS a little better. Good Luck and lets hope they play there subs and TIE.

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139700.5 in reply to 139700.4
Date: 04/08/2010 07:19:23
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I'm playing the 2 weakest teams in my conference this week which is convenient, and hopefully they play TIE and maybe get some injuries lol. If not, I guess I'll just have to play TIE and my subs and concede defeat :( Hopefully they don't have high enthusiasm as well, but he seems to play TIE every match :(

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139700.6 in reply to 139700.5
Date: 04/08/2010 10:12:51
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Well I am playing him this week in the league games so I'll see if I can injure a few guys for ya ;)

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139700.7 in reply to 139700.6
Date: 04/08/2010 10:16:48
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That would be very much appreciated :) Particularly injure all his players with more than 10k salary :D haha, and convince him to use CT all week leading up to the cup and then to play TIE in the cup :P That would be ideal lol. I'd probably still lose, but at least the score would be respectable :)